Kade Engine Community


KEC is a fork of Kade Engine that aims to fix most of its issues.

View the Project on GitHub TheRealJake12/Kade-Engine-Community

Source code

Download the Latest release
Download a Windows development build
Download a Linux development build

Changelogs Building Guides

How To Build From Source

This is a not to in-depth guide to build the game and get your mod going or to contribute to the engine If you have read the normal building guide from the original engine, it most likely won’t work here. So I will now do a guide to build the game.

Installing the needed things

  1. Install the latest Haxe. Instead of using Haxe 4.1.5, as the original game used, we will update to Haxe 4.3.4 (or the latest version) You will first need to go to this link to download Haxe Choose your platform and just do the normal download proccess.
  2. Install HaxeFlixel. Once Haxe is installed, you can download HaxeFlixel. Open a Command Prompt (Windows is right click windows icon and hit command prompt or windows powershell).
  3. You will need Git As you did with Haxe, just install the setup and finish it.
  4. Im just gonna quickly add all the librarys you need to download by putting it in a prompt
    haxelib install lime
    haxelib install openfl
    haxelib install flixel
    haxelib install flixel-tools
    haxelib install hscript
    haxelib install flixel-addons
    haxelib install actuate
    haxelib install hxcpp-debug-server
    haxelib install polymod 1.7.0
    haxelib install tjson
    haxelib run lime setup
    haxelib run lime setup flixel
    haxelib run flixel-tools setup

    When its finished, you will need to download these like you did with the Libraries above.

    haxelib git hscript-improved https://github.com/TheRealJake12/hscript-improved.git
    haxelib git linc_luajit https://github.com/superpowers04/linc_luajit
    haxelib git faxe https://github.com/uhrobots/faxe
    haxelib git hxdiscord_rpc https://github.com/MAJigsaw77/hxdiscord_rpc.git
    haxelib git hxvlc https://github.com/MAJigsaw77/hxvlc.git

3.5 (Optional) If you’re on Linux, you may be missing some libraries required to compile properly. Run these commands to fix some issues commonly reported.

sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install luajit

You need to install libvlc for hxvlc / hxCodec to work on Linux.

sudo apt-get install libvlc-dev
sudo apt-get install libvlccore-dev
sudo apt-get install vlc
  1. Read the original FNF source code guide for Visual Studio Once it is installed you should be able to build your game.